Lesson 09: Structures
Lesson 07: Arrays introduced the array that allows you to group elements of the same type into a single logical entity. To access elements in an array, all that is necessary is that the array's name is given together with the appropriate index value.
The C/C++ language provides another method for grouping elements together. This falls under the name of structures and forms the basis for the discussions in this lesson.
9.1 Structures vs Arrays
A structure in C/C++, defined using the struct keyword, is a user-defined aggregate data type comprising a collection of data members, which can vary in type. Unlike arrays, where all elements must be the same type, the data members in a structure can include a mix of types like int, float, char, or even another struct. This flexibility allows for a more diverse and complex data organization within a single structure.
Motivation for Structures
In programming, we often encounter situations where we need to manage data about various entities or objects. This data can consist of elements of different data types, such as strings, integers, and floating-point numbers. For instance, consider the information associated with a student, which might include name, address, phone number, number of courses taken, fees payable, student ID, and grades obtained.
Traditional Approach Using Arrays
A conventional approach to handling such data is to employ separate arrays for each field and connect them through indices. For example, name[i], address[i], fees[i], and so on would represent the data for the ith student.
Drawbacks of Array-Based Approach
While this method is straightforward, it becomes cumbersome and unwieldy as the number of fields increases. For instance, passing a student's data to a function using the parameter list would involve passing multiple arrays. Additionally, when sorting the data based on the name field, modifying the data in other arrays would be necessary when exchanging two names.
Introduction of Structures in C/C++
To address these limitations, C and C++ provide structures, which are user-defined data types that enable the grouping of related data items of different types into a single unit. This approach offers several advantages:
- Organized Data Representation: Structures provide a more organized and structured representation of data, making it easier to manage and understand.
- Efficient Memory Usage: Structures allow efficient memory allocation by storing related data items in contiguous locations.
- Simplified Data Manipulation: Structures simplify data manipulation by enabling the access and modification of multiple related data items using a single name.
Example: Student Structure
Consider the following example of a structure representing a student:
struct Student {
string name;
string address;
string phoneNumber;
int numberOfCoursesTaken;
float feesPayable;
string studentID;
char grades[6];
This structure defines a data type named 'Student' that encapsulates the relevant information about a student. To access the individual data elements, we can use the dot operator (.) followed by the member name. For instance, student.name would access the student's name.
Advantages of Structures
The use of structures offers several advantages over the traditional array-based approach:
- Improved Code Readability: Structures enhance code readability by grouping related data items together, making it easier to understand the program's structure.
- Reduced Code Complexity: Structures reduce code complexity by eliminating the need to manage multiple arrays and their corresponding indices.
- Enhanced Data Encapsulation: Structures promote data encapsulation by encapsulating related data items within a single unit, restricting direct access to individual members, and promoting controlled access through defined methods.
Structures are a powerful tool in C and C++ for organizing, managing, and manipulating data related to various entities or objects. They offer a more structured, efficient, and maintainable approach compared to the traditional array-based method. By utilizing structures, programmers can create more readable, maintainable, and efficient code.
9.2 Structures
In C++, a structure can contain both function and data members. The detailed structure in C++ will be discussed in C++ Lesson 02: Classes and Objects.
The format of the struct statement is as follows:
struct structure_name {
type member1;
type member2;
} variable_list;
Declare Structure and Structure Variables
A structure variable can either be declared with a structure declaration or a separate declaration like how we declare a variable.
Structure declaration
struct Point { // Structure Declaration int x; int y; };
The above statement defines a new data type (struct Point) that can be used in declaring other variables as below:
struct Point p1, p2, p3;
A variable declaration with structure declaration.
struct Point { // Structure Declaration int x; int y; } p1; // Define Structure Variable
The above definition actually tells the C compiler two things:
- The first one is the structure of a "struct Point", which can be used to declare another structure variable.
- This statement also declares the variable p1ent.
Since the structure of "struct Point" has been defined, it can be used to declare additional variables:
struct Point p2, p3;
Use of typedef in structure to shorten the names
We also can use typedef to construct shorter or more meaningful names for structures. The following code shows a new data type nameed Point, which is synonymous with "struct Point":
typedef struct Point { // Structure Point Declaration int x; int y; } Point; // Data Type Point
We can now declare "structure variables" of type Point, such as the following:
Point p1, p2, p3; // Define Structure Variables
Notice how much shorter and neater this is compared to the following:
struct Point p1, p2, p3; // Define Structure Variables
Since there is hardly any reason to use the "struct Point" form, we could omit Point from the previous declaration and write this:
typedef struct { // Structure Datatype Declaration int x; int y; } Point; // Data Type Name
Structure in Memory
Consider the following statements:
typedef struct { // Structure Datatype Declaration int x; int y; } Point; // Datatype Name Point p1; // Define Structure Variable
When a structure variable, p1, is declared, the definition reserves enough memory space to hold all the members of p1 — namely x and y. In this case, there will be 4 bytes for each of the two ints. Figure 9.1 shows how p1, p2, and p3 look in memory.
Figure 9.1: Structure Members in Memory
Defining a struct.
Define a struct named PatientData that contains two integer data members named heightInches and weightPounds.
typedef struct{ int heightInches; int weightPounds; } PatientData;
Structure for Date
A date consists of three parts: the year, the month, and the day. An integer can represent each of these parts. For example, the "March 4th, 2005" can be represented by the year, 2006; the month, 4; and the day, 4.
typedef struct { // Structure Declaration int year; int month; int day; } Date;
9.3 Accessing Structure Members and Array of Structures
There are two types of operators used for accessing members of a structure:
- Dot Operator . — Direct accessing structure members of a structure variable
- Indirection Operator * — Indirect accessing structure members through a structure pointer
- Arrow Operator -> — Indirect accessing structure members through a structure pointer
Dot Operator (.) — Direct Accessing
The dot (.) operator is used to access structure members of a structure variable. Here is how that looks:
typedef struct { // Structure Declaration int x; int y; } Point; // Data Type: Parts int main(){ Point p1, p2, p3; // Structure Variables: p1, p2, and p3 p2.x = 12; p2.y = 25; ... }
Once a structure variable has been defined, its members can be accessed using the dot operator. Line 10 is how the second member is given a value.
p2.y = 25;
The structure member is written in three parts:
- The name of the structure variable (p2)
- The dot operator, which consists of a period (,)
- The member name (y)
This means "the y member of p2."
The variable name must be used to distinguish one variable from another when there is more than one, such as p1, p2, p3, and so on, as shown in Figure 9.2.
Figure 9.2: The Dot Operator
The structure members are treated just like other variables. In the statement p2.y = 25;, the member is given the value 25 using a normal assignment operator. The program also shows members using in cout or printf statements such as:
cout << "x vale of p2 = " << p2.x << endl; printf("y value of p2 = %d \n", p2.y);
These statements output the values of the structure members.
Indirection (*) and Arrow Operator (->) — Indirect Accessing
Structure Pointer: Defined as the pointer that points to the address of the memory block that stores a structure is known as the structure pointer.
Syntax of Indirection Operator (*) with Dot Operator (.)
(* pointer_variable) . structure_member = value;
Indirectly access any of the structure members pointed to by the pointer variable.
The parentheses are required because the dot operator (.) has higher precedence than the indirection operator (*).
The -> is called the arrow operator. It is formed by using the minus sign followed by a greater than sign. Simply saying: To access members of a structure, use the dot operator. To access members of a structure through a pointer, use the arrow operator.
Syntax of Arrow Operator (->)
pointer_variable -> structure_member = value;
The operator is used along with a pointer variable. It will assign the value at the variable to which the pointer points.
For example, the following is the declaration for a pointer to structure:
typedef struct Point { // Structure Datatype Declaration int x; int y; int z; } Point; // Datatype Name Point p1; // Define Structure Variable Point *ptr; // Define Structure Pointer ptr = &p1; p1.x = 10; (*ptr).y = 20; ptr->z = 30;
- Line 1~5: Define a structure data type named Point
- Line 7: Declared a structure variable to be of type Point.
- Line 8: Declared a variable to be a pointer to a structure Point variable
- Line 10: Take the address of the structure variable p1 and assign it to a structure pointer named ptr
- Line 11: p1 is not a pointer, so the dot operator is the correct member selection operator
- Line 12: Use the indirect accessing operator to access the member of the Point structure pointed by ptr.
- Line 13: Use the arrow operator to access the members of the structure that a pointer variable points to.
9.4 Initializing Structures
Structure Initialization in C/C++
Structures in C serve as a crucial data type that allows you to group related data items of different data types into a single unit. This facilitates a more organized and flexible way to represent complex data relationships. Initializing structures is an essential step in creating and utilizing structure variables.
Individual Assignments
Initializing Structures Using Individual Assignments
One primary method for initializing structures in C involves assigning initial values to each member individually using assignment statements. Consider a structure named Employee with members name, age, and salary:
C Code
struct Employee { char name[50]; int age; float salary; };
C++ Code
struct Employee { string name[50]; int age; float salary; };
To initialize an Employee structure variable named employee1, you can write:
C Code
struct Employee employee1; strcpy(employee1.name, "John Smith"); employee1.age = 35; employee1.salary = 50000.00;
C++ Code
struct Employee employee1; employee1.name = "John Smith"; employee1.age = 35; employee1.salary = 50000.00;
This approach involves individual assignments to each member of the structure.
Initialization List
Initializing Structures Using Initialization Lists
An initializer list provides a more concise and convenient approach to initializing structures in C. It allows you to specify the initial values for all structure members in a single statement. For instance, the previous initialization can be rewritten using an initializer list:
struct Employee { char name[50]; int age; float salary; }; struct Employee employee2 = {"John Smith", 35, 50000.00};
This declaration initializes the name, age, and salary members of employee1 with the specified values using a single statement.
Designated Initializers
Initializing Structures with Designated Initializers
Designated initializers provide a more flexible way to initialize specific structure members, even if they are not in the declaration order. You use the member name followed by a colon to specify the value for that member. For example:
struct Employee { char name[50]; int age; float salary; }; struct Employee employee3 = { .name = "Jane Doe", .age = 32, .salary = 60000.00 };
This initialization sets the salary member to 60000.00, name to "Jane Doe," and age to 32. The designated initializers allow you to skip members and directly specify specific members' values.
Using Compound Literals
Initializing Structures Using Compound Literals
Compound literals are an alternative to initializer lists for initializing structures in C. They use a similar syntax but are treated as expressions rather than declarations. For instance, the previous initialization can be written using a compound literal:
struct Employee { char name[50]; int age; float salary; }; struct Employee employee4 = (struct Employee){ .salary = 60000.00, .name = "Jane Doe", .age = 32 };
This expression creates a temporary Employee structure and initializes it with the specified values using a compound literal.
Aggregate Initialization
Initializing Structures with Aggregate Initialization
Aggregate initialization is the most common and straightforward way to initialize structures in C++. It involves using braces {} to enclose the initial values for the structure members. The initialization order should match the declaration order within the structure definition.
struct Employee { char name[50]; int age; float salary; }; struct Employee employee5 = { "Jane Doe", 32, 60000.00 };
In this example, the initialization values are directly assigned to the corresponding structure members based on their order in the Employee structure definition.
Uniform Initialization
Initializing Structures with Uniform Initialization
Uniform initialization provides a consistent and concise way to initialize structures with default values. It uses the = operator followed by a value enclosed in braces. For instance, to initialize all members of Employee to zero, you can write:
C++ Code:
struct Employee { char name[50]; int age; float salary; }; struct Employee employee6 = {};
This initialization sets all integer members to zero, all floating-point members to zero, and all pointer members to nullptr.
Initializing structures is an essential aspect of effectively using them in C/C++ programming. Understanding the different initialization methods, including individual assignments, initializer lists, designated initializers, and compound literals, provides flexibility and control in assigning initial values to structure members.
9.5 Bit-Fields in Structure
Bit Fields allow the packing of data in a structure. This is especially useful when memory or data storage is at a premium. Typical examples include −
Packing several objects into a machine word. e.g., 1-bit flags can be compacted.
Reading external file formats -- non-standard file formats could be read in, e.g., 9-bit integers.
C allows us to do this in a structure definition by putting :bit length after the variable. For example −
struct packed_struct {
unsigned int f1:1;
unsigned int f2:1;
unsigned int f3:1;
unsigned int f4:1;
unsigned int type:4;
unsigned int my_int:9;
} pack;
Here, the packed_struct contains 6 members: Four 1-bit flags f1..f3, a 4-bit type, and a 9-bit my_int.
C automatically packs the above bit fields as compactly as possible, provided that the field's maximum length is less than or equal to the integer word length of the computer. If this is not the case, then some compilers may allow memory overlap for the fields while others would store the next field in the next word.
9.6 Arrays of Structures
Arrays of structures are a powerful data structure in C/C++ that combines the flexibility of arrays with the organization of structures. They allow you to store multiple instances of a structure in a single array, enabling efficient access to and manipulation of multiple related data items.
Declaring Arrays of Structures
To declare an array of structures in C/C++, you follow the same syntax as declaring an array of any other data type. However, instead of specifying the element data type, you specify the structure type. For instance, to declare an array of 10 Employee structures:
struct Employee { char name[50]; int age; float salary; }; struct Employee employees[10];
This declaration creates an array of named employees with up to 10 Employee structures. Each element in the array represents an individual Employee structure.
Initializing Arrays of Structures
You can initialize arrays of structures using the same methods as initializing individual structures. You can use individual assignments, initializer lists, or designated initializers. For example, to initialize the first element of the employees array:
strcpy(employees[0].name, "John Smith"); employees[0].age = 35; employees[0].salary = 50000.00;
This initializes members' name, age, and salary for the first Employee structure in the array.
Accessing Elements in Arrays of Structures
Accessing elements in arrays of structures is similar to accessing elements in regular arrays. You use the array index followed by the dot '.' operator to access the structure's members. For instance, to access the name of the first employee:
char* firstName = employees[0].name;
This retrieves the value of the name member of the first Employee structure and stores it in the firstName pointer.
Using Range-Based For Loops with Arrays of Structures
Range-based loops in C++ provide a convenient way to iterate over all elements of an array of structures. For example, to print the names of all employees:
for (Employee employee : employees) { std::cout << employee.name << std::endl; }
This loop iterates over each Employee structure in the employees array and prints the value of the name member.
Arrays of structures are versatile data structures extending the capabilities of arrays and structures. They allow you to efficiently organize and manage multiple instances of a complex data type, making them valuable for various programming tasks. Understanding how to declare, initialize, and access elements in arrays of structures is essential for effective C/C++ programming.
9.7 Nested Structures
Nested Structure in C: Struct inside another struct
Nested structures, or composite structures, are a powerful data structure in C/C++ that allows you to embed one structure within another. This nesting capability provides a way to organize and represent hierarchical relationships between data elements, making them useful for modeling complex data relationships.
Declaring Nested Structures
To declare a nested structure in C/C++, you define one structure within another. For instance, consider a structure named Student that contains a nested structure named Address:
struct Address { char street[50]; char city[50]; char state[50]; int zipCode; }; struct Student { char name[50]; int age; float gpa; struct Address address; // Nested structure 'Address' within 'Student' };
This declaration creates a Student structure with a nested Address structure. Each Student structure can now hold information about a student's address, including street, city, state, and zip code.
Accessing Nested Structure Members
To access members of a nested structure, you use the dot (.) operator twice. For instance, to access the city member of the address structure within a Student variable named student1:
char* city = student1.address.city;
This statement retrieves the value of the city member of the nested address structure within the student1 structure.
Passing Nested Structures as Arguments
You can pass nested structures as arguments to functions. When passing a nested structure, you pass the entire structure that contains the nested structure. For example, to define a function that takes a Student structure as an argument:
void printStudentDetails(struct Student student) { std::cout << "Student Name: " << student.name << std::endl; std::cout << "Student Age: " << student.age << std::endl; std::cout << "Student GPA: " << student.gpa << std::endl; std::cout << "Address: " << std::endl; std::cout << " Street: " << student.address.street << std::endl; std::cout << " City: " << student.address.city << std::endl; std::cout << " State: " << student.address.state << std::endl; std::cout << " Zip Code: " << student.address.zipCode << std::endl; >}
This function takes a Student structure as input and prints the student's details, including their address information.
Nested structures provide a powerful mechanism for organizing complex data relationships in C/C++. They allow you to embed structures within other structures, creating a hierarchical representation of data. Understanding how to declare, access, and pass nested structures is essential for effectively modeling and manipulating complex data in C/C++ programming.
9.8 Understanding the Differences between C and C++ Structures
C structures and C++ structures, both fundamental data structures in their respective languages, share similarities in their purpose of data organization. However, they exhibit key distinctions that set them apart in terms of functionality and flexibility. This article delves into the differences between C and C++ structures, highlighting their unique capabilities and limitations.
C Structures
C structures are simple data aggregates that allow you to group related variables together. They consist solely of data members and do not support functions.
- Data Members: C structures can only contain variables of different data types. Member functions are not allowed.
- Declaration: The 'struct' keyword is mandatory when declaring the objects of a structure.
- Member Initialization: Member variables cannot be initialized directly within the structure definition.
- Static Members: C structures do not support static members.
- Pointers vs. References: Only pointers can be used to access structure members. References are not supported.
- Empty Structure Size: The compiler assigns a size of 0 to an empty structure in C.
- Data Hiding: C structures do not provide data hiding mechanisms, making all members accessible directly.
- Access Modifiers: Access modifiers, such as 'private' and 'public', are not applicable to C structures.
C++ Structures
C++ structures are more versatile than C structures. They can incorporate both data members and member functions, enhancing their functionality.
- Member Functions: C++ structs can include member functions, allowing for operations directly associated with the structure.
- Declaration: The 'struct' keyword is optional when declaring objects of a structure.
- Member Initialization: Member variables can be initialized directly within the structure definition using in-class initialization.
- Static Members: C++ structs support static members, enabling shared data among structure instances.
- Pointers vs. References: Both pointers and references can be used to access structure members, providing flexibility.
- Empty Structure Size: The compiler assigns a size of 1 to an empty structure in C++ to accommodate the structure's overhead.
- Data Hiding: C++ structs support data hiding through access modifiers like 'private' and 'public', restricting access to structure members.
- Access Modifiers: Access modifiers, such as 'private' and 'public', are used to control access to structure members, enhancing encapsulation.
In summary, C++ structures offer more advanced features than C structures, making them a more powerful tool for data organization and manipulation.